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Quadrantal angle

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Q: What is the angle when the terminal side of an angle in standard position lies along one of the axes?
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Equal in position or standard?

It is angle.

When is the angle are said to be in standard position?

When the beginning ray of the angle is on the x-axis.

What can you say that angle is said to be in its standard position?

On a Cartesian plane (or one using polar coordinates), the vertex of the angle must be at the origin and one of the rays must lie along the positive x-axis (point towards the East).

Find degree of angle in standard position formed by rotating the terminal side by 22 over 45 of a circle?

22/45 of 360 degrees = 22/45 x 360 = 7920/45 = 176 degrees

Find tan if an angle in standard position and the point with coordinates negative twelve and positive five lies n the terminal side of the angle?

If you draw this angle in a coordinate system, a right triangle is formed in the second quadrant, with length legs 12 and 5 units. If you label with O the angle that is formed by the terminal side and y-axis, you have tan O = 12/5 and O = tan-1 12/5 = 67.38 degrees Thus, the given angle has a measure of 157.38 degrees (90 + 67.38).

How to express sin of an angle in terms of the terminal angle?

sin312 the terminal angle of 312 is equal to 48 degrees! That's all i know!

Which quadrant of the circle would contain the angle 45 degrees?

Any angle (in standard position) between zero and 90 degrees is in the first quadrant.

What is the terminal side of an angle?

a ray of an angle that rotates around the vertex

A sextent measures the angle between?

A sextant measures the angle of elevation between the horizon and the north star. Along with charts, it can be used to calculate your position on the sea fairly accurately.

Can planes move their wings?

They are in a fixed position in the sense that they can't move along the aircraft for example but they can change angle Hope this helped

Why is clockwise rotation of a terminal angle negative?

In trigonometric terms and diagrams, regular terminal angle rotation is anti-clockwise. This is to keep standards universal across all diagrams.

What is a parallex?

Parallax is a displacement or difference in the apparent position of an object viewed along two different lines of sight, and is measured by the angle or semi-angle of inclination between those two lines.