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The area of a circle with a radius of 3 feet is: 28.27 square feet.

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Q: What is the area of a circle with a radius of 3 feet?
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The area of a circle with a radius of 3 feet is how many feet squared?

28.3 feet2

What is the radius of a circle with an area of 123 square feet?

Radius of the circle is the square root of (123/pi) = 6.257 feet to 3 decimal places

What is the approximate area of a circle with a radius of 3 feet?

Area of a circle equals pi (~3.14) multiplied by the radius squared. So to find the area of that circle your equation is (3.14)(3)^2 which equals approximately 27.

What is the area of a circle with a radius of 8ft?

Area of the circle: pi*182 = 1017.876 square feet to 3 decimal places

What is the area of a circle with a radius of 3.7 feet?

Area = pi*3.72 = 43.008 square feet to 3 decimal places

What is the area of circle with a 10 ft radius?

Area of a circle = pi*radius2 Area = 314.159 square feet to 3 decimal places.

What is the area in feet of a circle with a radius of 9?

Area of circle: pi times 9 squared = 254.469 square feet rounded to 3 decimal places

What is the area of a circle with the radius of four feet?

It is: pi*42 = 50.265 square feet to 3 dp

Estimate the area of each circle use 3 to approximate 4 feet?

You don't mention whether the 4 feet is the circumference, diameter or radius. The area of a circle is pi times the radius squared. If 4 feet is the circumference, the area is about 1.3 feet squared. If 4 feet is the diameter, the area is about 12.6 feet squared. If 4 feet is the radius, the area is about 50.3 feet squared.

Estimate the area of each circle use 3 to approximate 4 feet solve it?

You don't mention whether the 4 feet is the circumference, diameter or radius. The area of a circle is pi times the radius squared. If 4 feet is the circumference, the area is about 1.3 feet squared. If 4 feet is the diameter, the area is about 12.6 feet squared. If 4 feet is the radius, the area is about 50.3 feet squared.

What is the area of a circle if the radius is 11 feet?

Area: pi*112 = 380.133 square feet rounded to 3 decimal places

What is the square feet of a circle that is 6 feet?

The area of a circle is pi.r2 where pi=3.14159... and r=the radius of the circle. So assuming the dimension of 6' given is for the diameter, (giving a radius of 3',) the calculation is: 3.14159x32=3.14159x9=28.27square feet