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trapezoid = 1/2 sum of bases x height = 104

semicircle = 1/2 pi x diameter squared/4 = 100.48

total = 204.48 sq ft

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Q: What is the area of a figure formed using a semicircle with a diameter of 16 feet and a trapezoid with a height of 8 feet and bases of 12 feet and 14 feet?
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Which solid is formed when a semicircle is revolved about a line containing the diameter of the semicircle?

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What is a plane figure formed by coplanar segments?

It is a plane figure, for example, a semicircle, a triangle, a kite.

What figure is formed with 2 right angles 1 obtuse and 1 acute?

A trapezoid has two right angles and one obtuse and one acute angle.

Is a trapeaziod a polygon?

Yes. To be specific, a trapezoid is a quadrilateral polygon. Polygon: a plane or figure that is formed by 3 or more segments, and each side only connects to 2 other sides.

How do find the area of an isosceles tringle?

The area of ANY triangle is base x height. The height must be measured perpendicular to the base. In the case of an isosceles triangle, if you know only the length of the sides, you can figure out the height by Pythagoras' Theorem.

How many trapezoid in a triangle?

A triangle cannot be formed by any number of trapezoids. Every time a trapezoid is stretched across one side of a triangle, a smaller triangle similar to the first is formed by the part not covered by the trapezoid. Unless... the triangle was equilateral and the trapezoids were isoceles. You could fill the triangle with 3 trapezoids as follows: Use the longer 'bottom' edge of each trapezoid and the 'left' edge of the next trapezoid to make up the edge of the triangle. The shorter 'top' edge of the trapezoids touch the 'right' edge of the next trapezoid in the center of the triangle.

What figure is formed by 3 or more sides?

A polygon is formed by three or more sides. there is no specific figure.

What is the area of a figure that is formed using a rectangle with a base of 6 cm and a height of 12 cm and a trapezoid with one base of 12 cm one base of 16 cm and a height of 7 cm?

the area o rectangle is 6 x 12 = 72 and the area of trapezoid is 1/2 (12+16) X 7 = 98. The sum is 72 + 98 = 170 Square cm

What is the measure of the angle formed between a tangent and the diameter of a circle?

It is 90 degrees between the circle's diameter and its tangent

Why can't a trapezoid have right angle?

A trapezoid is a quadrilateral that has one pair of parallel sides. Since a right angle is formed by two perpendicular lines, it would mean that one of the non-parallel sides would have to be perpendicular to one of the parallel sides, which violates the definition of a trapezoid. Therefore, a trapezoid cannot have a right angle.

Figure formed by two rays?


Any closed figure formed by a set of segments is a polygon?

Any closed figure formed by a set of straight linesegments is a polygon. If the segments are curved such as in a circle or oval, the closed figure is not a polygon.