180 degree
The lone pair - OH bond repulsion in water is greater than the OH bond- OH bond repulsion. In methane all of the bonds are the same so it has perfect tetrahedral symmetry. This is VSEPR theory
CH3 is a trigonal planar and has a hybridization of sp3
The bond angle of AlCl3 is 120 degrees.
The bond angle of N2O is 180 degrees.
The bond angle for H2S is approximately 92 degrees.
The hybridization of SF5- is sp3d2. This is formed by mixing one s orbital, three p orbitals, and two d orbitals to form a set of six sp3d2 hybrid orbitals around the sulfur atom in SF5-.
The bond angle in NI3 is approximately 107 degrees.
The bond angle for AsF3 is approximately 87.5 degrees.
The bond angle for NBr3 is approximately 107 degrees.
The bond angle for IO2 is around 120 degrees.
The bond angle for OF2 is approximately 103 degrees.
The bond angle for SO2 is approximately 119 degrees.
The bond angle in NF3 is approximately 107 degrees.