A four sided pyramid with a square base.
No a square is not a trapezoid
A square by definition is a box that has four equal sides.
Any integer multiplied by itself results in a perfect square.
a square base is a base with four sides of equal measure
A square array is an array in which the number of rows is the same as the number of columns.
It is an array with the same number of rows and columns.
A perfect square.
A string is, by definition, a character array. No conversion is required.
An array is used to store data having the same data type.
It means indexing into an array. The array could be an array of built in primitive types or array of objects. The index must be a numeric value greater than or equal to 0.
I guess you wanted to ask, why is it scanf ("%s", array)and not scanf ("%s", &array).Well, array is by definition a pointer to the first element: array = &array[0]
No. A string is, by definition, a character array.
No. A string is, by definition, a character array.
Yes, if it is described as such.