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A trapezoid is a quadrilateral with one pair of parallel sides.
A trapezoid is a shape that has only one pair of parallel sides. It also is the name of a bone in the hand.

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Q: What is the definition of a trapezoid?
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Is a trapezoid a square?

No a square is not a trapezoid

Can an isosceles trapezoid be a parallelogram and why?

No. A parallelogram by definition has two pairs of parallel sides. A trapezoid by definition has only one pair of parallel sides.

Is a trapezoid a parallogram?

A trapezoid is not a parallelogram, a trapezoid is a polygon. The definition of parallelogram is a shape in which all sides are parallel. In a trapezoid, only one pair of sides is parallel.

Can a rhombus be a trapezoid?

The answer depends on which definition of trapezoid (or trapezium, outside of North America) is used.Some mathematicians define a trapezoid as any four-sided figure with at least one pair of parallel sides. Using that definition, a rhombus is a special type of trapezoid because a rhombus is a figure with two sets of parallel sides.Others are more strict, using the name trapezoid only for four-sided figures with exactly one pair of parallel sides. By this definition a rhombus is not a trapezoid.

A parallelogram is a trapezoid that has 2 pairs of parallel sides?

No. A trapezoid, by definition, cannot have two pairs of parallel sides.

Can a trapezoid have more than 4 sides?

Absolutely not. It's a quadrilateral by definition, and a quadrilateral by definition has four sides.

Can a trapezoid have parallel sides?

There are two definitions of a trapezoid -- restricted and unrestricted. Both definitions require one pair of sides be parallel. The restricted definition requires that only one pair of sides be parallel. So, . . .Under the restricted definition a rectangle or parallelogram isn't a trapezoid, but under the unrestricted definition it is.

What is the definition of trapezoid?

A quadrilateral with one pair of parallel sides.

What is a trapezoid that is not a parallelogram?

by definition, there is no such a thing. It cannot be both at the same time. Three types of quadrilaterals are: Rectangle, Trapezoid, and paralelogram; that is it.

Is a square an isosceles trapezoid?

Nope A square is a parallelogram By definition a trapezoid is a quadrilateral with only one pair of sides parallel

How do you prove quadrilateral is a trapezoid?

You can't. A trapezoid is a quadrilateral because it has four sides. The definition of a quadrilateral is a shape with four sides.

Why are only two sides on a trapezoid parallel?

That is the definition of a trapezoid. If all 4 sides were parallel it would be another quadrilateral.