

What is the diameter of a pencil?

Updated: 4/27/2022
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13y ago

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pencils can have differend diameters,regular its about 5mm

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Q: What is the diameter of a pencil?
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What is the driffrent numbers on the side of the pencils for?

The number of the pencil is based on the type of carbon lead used inside. The thicker the carbon lead gets the higher the number of the pencil becomes. If you notice a mechanical pencil is 0.9mm in diameter so it would be called a #0.9 pencil. A #2 pencil's lead is 2mm in diameter. So Why would we call a pencil a #3 pencil? Because it's lead is 3mm in diameter.

What is the diameter of a pencil in decimal inches?

It is twice its radius

What is 6mm in diameter?

An ordinary pencil is one example.

What measurement tool would you see to measure the diameter of a pencil?


What metric unit would you use measure the diameter of a pencil lead?


What is a pencil centimeter or millimeter?

A pencil's length is quite a bit more than either; a pencil's diameter is several millimeters, but less than a centimeter (unless you're talking about an oversized novelty pencil, or the kind that they make kindergarten students use).

A pencil has a diameter 7 mm a scale diagram of the pencil has dimeter 3.5 determine the scale factor of the diagram?

scale factor=7/3.5=2

What things have a diameter of 0.5 millimeter?

Lead for a mechanical pencil is typically 0.5 to 0.3 mm.

The metric unit of the length of a pencil?

An average pencil when new would be around 15 centimetres long.

What steps do you use to find the volume of a pencil?

For finding accurate volume of a pencil use a vernier calliper, which measures diameter up to two significant figures. For finding volume of a pencil you will need radius (r) and length (L) of the pencil. V = 3.14 r²L

What is the Weight of a mechanical pencil?

The Dimensions vary. The average length is about 150mm. The average diameter is about 12mm.