Circumference of the circle: 23*pi = 72.257 inches rounded up to 3 decimal places
A mechanical pencil is just about the same size as a normal pencil, about 6 inches long.
curcumference should be about 9.42 3 inch diameter If the ball diameter is 3 inches, then the surface area is Pi x D2 = Pi x 9 = 28.274 square inches (rounded to third decimal).
The circumference of a circle with a 6-inch diameter is 18.85 inches. (C = d x Pi).
If a circle has a diameter of 24 inches its circumference is: 75.4 inches (diameter x Pi = circumference).
The standard diameter of a pencil is about 0.3 inches or 7.6 millimeters.
A typical pencil is about 7 inches long and 0.25 inches in diameter.
A standard pencil is typically about 7 millimeters in diameter, which is roughly 0.28 inches.
The diameter of a standard pencil is typically around 0.25 inches or 6.5 millimeters.
diameter = 26/pi = 8.276057041 or 8.276 inches to 3 decimal places
diameter = 26/pi = 8.276057041 or 8.276 inches to 3 decimal places
Diameter: 87.5/pi = 27.852 inches to 3 decimal places
A standard wooden pencil is typically around 7 inches (17.78 cm) long. The diameter of a pencil can vary, but it is usually around 0.25 inches (0.64 cm).
Diameter of circle: 4.25/pi = 1.353 inches rounded to 3 decimal places
If its diameter is 26 inches then its circumference = 26*pi = 81.681 inches to 3 decimal places
If the circumference is 37 inches then the diameter is 37/pi = 11.78 inches rounded to two decimal places
If its diameter is 14 then its area is: pi*72 = 153.938 square inches to three decimal places