A diagonal line is a straight line that connects two non-adjacent corners of a shape, typically forming a 45-degree angle with the sides of the shape. An oblique line, on the other hand, is any line that is neither horizontal nor vertical, and can be at any angle other than 90 degrees. In essence, all diagonal lines are oblique, but not all oblique lines are diagonal.
The measurements are taken at right angle to the survey line called perpendicular or right angled offsets. The measurements which are not made at right angles to the survey line are called oblique offsets or tie line offsets.
It is neither. A diagonal line occupies the range of everything in between those two absolutes.
Oblique lines:
A line which intersects another line at an angle between 0 and 180 degrees.
a straight line
An oblique line can be diagonal, sloping or slanted. It is not vertical, horizontal, parallel or perpendicular.
An oblique line (line that slants) from one part of the shape to the other e.g from one corner of a square to the opposite corner is a diagonal line. I hope this solved your problem
A bias is an oblique or diagonal line of direction.
an oblique or diagonal line of direction, esp. across a woven fabric.
The measurements are taken at right angle to the survey line called perpendicular or right angled offsets. The measurements which are not made at right angles to the survey line are called oblique offsets or tie line offsets.
The diagonal or line segment
Jagged lines have toothed/serated edges whereas diagonal lines can have any edge so long as they run diagonally,so it is possible to have a jagged diagonal line!
It is neither. A diagonal line occupies the range of everything in between those two absolutes.
No, a diagonal is never a side of a polygon:A diagonal is a line between two non-adjacent vertices of a polygon;A side is a line between two adjacent vertices of a polygon.
Oblique lines:
Diagonal means a line that is not vertical or horizontal, but in between. i.e. / or \
An oblique line is one that is at an angle to some frame of reference.