A rectangle is a quadrilateral with four sides. All angles are right angles, the diagonals are congruent, and the opposite sides are all equal.
A rhombus (diamond) is a quadrilateral with congruent daigonals and equal angles.
A diamond is not a rectangle.
difference between square and cube
no there is no difference between a square and a rectangle with equal sides. so if you have a test with the same question the answer should be no. by Muhammad Aashir Sajjad
Diamond is another name for rhombus.
A rectangle is a special case of a parallelogram in which all the interior angles are 90 degrees.
The difference btwwen a square and a rectangle is that a rectangle has two congruent lines.
The main difference is that a triangle rectangle cannot exist.
A diamond is not a rectangle.
How Pentagon and Rectangle Are DifferentThe difference between a pentagon and recangle is that a pentagon has five sides and a rectangle has four sides.
A parallelogram is slanted. A rectangle is not.
A rectangle is correct; a rhombuses is not.
The difference is: 1) the rectangle has all right angles 2)a parallelogram has acute and obtuse angles but not a rectangle
They are the same but a rectangle is longer wheras a square isn't.
difference between square and cube
no there is no difference between a square and a rectangle with equal sides. so if you have a test with the same question the answer should be no. by Muhammad Aashir Sajjad
A rectangle has four 90-degree angles.
A rectangle has four right angles. A trapezoid can have at most two.