you find these terms in a house and lot offer. a lot area is the total area, usually in sq meters, of the property while floor area is the area of the infrastructure built in the lot or the maximum size of structure that the government, as provided by charters, allows.
FAR=Total floor area of building / Total lot area
By halving its perimeter and using the quadratic equation formula.
area = l w 100 ft * 150 ft = 15000 ft convert from fetes to meters 1m =0.0348ft 15000 ft * 0.0348 ft = 4.572 m2
You have to multiply the two dimensions to get the area. In this case the answer will be 7,500 square feet.
To get the area you multiply the length and the width. Doing the math gives an answer of 11,250 square feet.
FAR=Total floor area of building / Total lot area
Floor area /lot area of plot
In real estate, lot area is the size of a plot of land, usually rendered in square feet or meters. This is contrasted with floor area, which is the size of the footprints of any buildings on the lot.
not a lot
Your question is meaningless. Talk to your teacher about the difference between area and length.
"alot" is not a word. The proper term is "a lot" for all words.
a lot is different.
a lot of stuff
A few. There is a smidgin more in a lot than there is in many.
Take the lot size and multiply it by the Floor Area Ratio. For example, on a 5,000 square foot lot with a 2.0 FAR you could construct a building with 10,000 square feet of total floor area (the floorspace of each floor above ground added together). Keep in mind that there are other restrictions as well, such as building height and setback issues that could keep you from using the total allowable building area per your FAR.
a lot
a lot