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find the gradient

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Q: What is the gradient of a triangle?
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What rhymes with gradient?


Can a scalene triangle be a triangle?

Yes, a scalene triangle can be a triangle.

What is a nested triangle?

a triangle in a triangle

How is a triangle the same as a equilateral triangle?

A triangle is the same as a equilateral triangle because a equilateral triangle is a triangle but it is congruent on all sides

What is slope on a line called?


Related questions

What does an upside down triangle mean in maths notation?

The 'upside down' triangle symbol is the (greek?) letter Nabla. Nabla means the gradient. The gradient is the vector field whoose components are the partial derivatives of a function F given by (df/dx, df/dy).

How do you draw duval triangle?

The Duval triangle is a diagnostic tool for oil insulated equipment. The three sides of an equilateral triangle form the axes representing the relative concentrations of methane (CH4), ethylene (C2H4) andacetylene (C2H2).The methane concentration is plotted along the axis with a positive gradient, ethylene along the axis with the negative gradient and acetylene along the horizontal axis : but going in the from right to left.The triangle is divided into a number of zones which indicate the most likely cause of failure.The Duval triangle is a diagnostic tool for oil insulated equipment. The three sides of an equilateral triangle form the axes representing the relative concentrations of methane (CH4), ethylene (C2H4) andacetylene (C2H2).The methane concentration is plotted along the axis with a positive gradient, ethylene along the axis with the negative gradient and acetylene along the horizontal axis : but going in the from right to left.The triangle is divided into a number of zones which indicate the most likely cause of failure.The Duval triangle is a diagnostic tool for oil insulated equipment. The three sides of an equilateral triangle form the axes representing the relative concentrations of methane (CH4), ethylene (C2H4) andacetylene (C2H2).The methane concentration is plotted along the axis with a positive gradient, ethylene along the axis with the negative gradient and acetylene along the horizontal axis : but going in the from right to left.The triangle is divided into a number of zones which indicate the most likely cause of failure.The Duval triangle is a diagnostic tool for oil insulated equipment. The three sides of an equilateral triangle form the axes representing the relative concentrations of methane (CH4), ethylene (C2H4) andacetylene (C2H2).The methane concentration is plotted along the axis with a positive gradient, ethylene along the axis with the negative gradient and acetylene along the horizontal axis : but going in the from right to left.The triangle is divided into a number of zones which indicate the most likely cause of failure.

What is a upside down triangle called?

In mathematics an upside down triangle corresponds to the gradient operator and is sometimes called "del". The Greek symbol of an upside down triangle is called "Nabla".

What is the gradient on mercury?

The answer depends on the gradient of WHAT!

How do you work out the gradient of a perpendicular line?

basically the reciprocal of the original lines gradient is going to be the gradient for the perpendicular line (remember the signs should switch). For example if i had a line with the gradient of 3, then the gradient of the perpendicular line will be -1over3. But if the line had the gradient of -3, then the line perpendicular to that line will have the gradient 1over3.

What is the Danube river's gradient?

Danube river gradient

How do you find the gradient of a parabola?

(-1.5,0) (1.5,0) what is the gradient?

How do you write a sentence using gradient?

these tiles are gradient.

How to calculate the gradient from the non linear graph?

Draw a tangent to the curve at the point where you need the gradient and find the gradient of the line by using gradient = up divided by across

How do you calculate gradient?

Gradient= Vertical gain / Horizontal distance Hope this helps ;P

What is valtage gradient?

Probably an incorrect spelling of voltage gradient.

When was Gradient Analytics created?

Gradient Analytics was created in 1996.