A Mathematically Definition Would Be: If An Angle Is a Right Angle, Then It's Measure Is 90 Degrees. We Talked About This In Math Today :)
Are determined by (a) the shape of the flat surface, (b) the area of the flat surface, and (c) the size of the square units.
In math, the definition of a supplementary line is A line where the two or more angles within the line equal 180 degrees.
a 3d object made of 2d faces with all flat sides
A plane mirror is a mirror which is completely flat, easier for your image to be reflected.
it is a pattern that follows. eg: <> +<><>+<><><> etc.
extend your answer
algebra an hfhf
AnswerA net in math termonology usually refers to 3-D geometric figures. It is the 2-D pattern that creates the figure. Think about taking apart a box so it is flat. This would be the net. Rectangular PrismNet of Prism
Things in an Algebraic expression that occur every time and do not change. Parts that are not in a general pattern are usually represented by variables.
It means a pattern/ a repeated theory.
the artistc definition of a flat sketch is a sketch that is not really 3D
What is the math term to the definition survey?Well, the definition of survey is a method used and collects data.
the answer to a math question.
math is funn...
math stem