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74 degrees

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Q: What is the measure of xyz the tangent chord angle the arc is 148?
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If Measure of tangent-chord angle is 74 degrees then what is the intercepted arc inside the angle?


What is the measure if an arc that has 148 degrees tangent chord angle?

16*pi*r/45 where r is the radius.

If the measure of a tangent chord angle is 74 then what is the measure of the intercepted arc inside the angle?

Through construction I make it to 148° of the circle or 2,583 radians 90 - 74 = 16 180 - (2*16) = 148 148/180 * pi = 2,583

Find the supplement of an angle whose measure is 32 degrees?


In parallelogram DEFG the difference between two adjacent angles is 32 degrees Which is the measure of the larger angle?

180 - 32 = 148; 148/2 = 74 which is the smaller angle so the larger is 106

What is the reflex angle of 148 degrees?

The reflex angle to 148 degrees is 212 degrees A full turn is 360°, so if the angle between the arms is 148°, the reflex angle (around the outside of the arms) is 360° - 148° = 212°.

What is the supplement of a 148 degree angle?

The supplement of a 148-degree angle is a 32-degree angle.

Find Angle t if angle t is 20 more than four times its supplement?

Find the measure of the angle T, if the measure of the angle T is 20 more than four times its supplement. The supplement of T = (180-T) Write an equation for the statement: "angle T is 20 more than four times its supplement." T = 4(180-T) + 20 T = 720 - 4T + 20 T + 4T = 720 + 20 5t = 740 T = T = 148 degrees Check solution in original equation: 148 = 4(180-148) + 20 148 = 4(32) + 20 148 = 128 + 20

If the obtuse angle on a straight line is 148 what is the acute angle?

It is 180-148 = 32 degrees

What type of angle is 148 degrees?

An angle of 148 degrees is an obtuse angle. Any angle that is more than 90 degrees but less than 180 degrees is obtuse.

What kind of angle is 148 degrees?

Yes 148 degrees is an obtuse angle because it is greater than 90 but less than 180 degrees

What is a reflex angle to 148 degrees?

A reflex angle is an angle greater than 180 degrees but less than 360 degrees. Since 148 degrees is less than 180 degrees, it is not a reflex angle.