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The triangle. Any lesser number of sides would make it not a geometrical figure.

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Q: What is the most basic geometric figure?
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A figure made up of simple geometric shapes?

A geometric solid. The answer is NOT polyhedron. A cone, for example, which is a figure made up of the most simple geometric shapes (a straight line) and a circle, is not a polyhedron.

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What is a geometric figure?

a figure that is used in geometry

What are the four most basic geometric shapes?

Square, rectangle, circle and triangle.

What is the geometric name for a figure that has 4 sides?

Quadrilateral is the name fr a geometric figure with 4 sides.

What is geometric kite?

A geometric figure is a figure of any shape and size, and can also be flat/plane ( meaning, two dimensional like triangle, equilateral., pentagon...) or solid (3 dimensional figure like cube, pyramid, sphere..).A geometric model is a geometric figure that represents real life object like butterfly, flower, earth, etc.So a geometric kite is a two dimensional geometric figure or model.

Geometric figure made with a straightedge and compass?

A construction. A contruction is a geometric drawing of a figure usually made by a compass and a straightedge.

A geometric figure having three ling segments for sides?

A triangle is a geometric figure that is made of three line segments. It is a closed figure and has three angles.

What is the difference between drawing a geometric figure and constructing a geometric figure?

Drawing is creating a figure without tools (i.e. a ruler, a compass, etc.) Constructing is creating a figure with tools.

What is the basic building block of all geometric figures?

The most basic building block of all geometric figures is simply the point. A point has no size or dimension but it does have a location. Lines are made up of a series of points.