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Q: What is it to draw a geometric figure outside another geometric figure?
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What geometric figure must one draw to get a resultant if the vectors are not right angles?

A triangle...

One can draw a geometric figure using?

Geometric figures can be drawn using a compass and a straight edge. This is commonly known as ruler and compass construction.

How of find the area the geometric figure 8?

I am not aware of any "geometric figure 8" - before finding the area of such a figure, you have to determine clearly how exactly it is defined. For example, you can draw two exact circles, or two ellipses - but that's not always exactly how it is drawn.

What is the difference between sketching drawing and constructing a geometric figure?

when you sketch you proportion a picture of something and a sketch is always black and white. When you draw you create a picture of something without proportioning it and you usually color it . When you construct a geometric figure you use straight lines to form a closed figure :)

What geometric shape do you use to draw a circle?


Can you draw a hexagon?

A hexagon is a geometric shape with six sides. To draw one, draw a polygon with six sides.

How do you draw a portal?

draw a circle then draw a bunch of squiggly lines in it if you're really fancy, draw another circle within that circle and outside of it boom that's your portal

A tool used to draw a circle?

A compass is a geometric tool used to draw circles.

What is a geometric compass?

A geometric compass is an instrument, or a tool, used in plane geometry to draw arcs and circles. Not to be confused with the geometric and military compass invented by Galileo.

What do they mean by draw a figure 8 in phantom hourglass?

Its not really a figure 8. That the pattern that you draw it! You remember when you was in the ocean temple and had to draw the ''sacred crest'' with one stroke the first time? It looked like a triangle on top of another? That is what you draw. NOT AN 8! I figured this out today finally! xD

What is a geometric tool used to draw circles and arcs?

A compass

What is adjective of cone?

A cone is a geometric shape. If we "build" it, it may be easier to understand what it is. Start with a plane and put a circle in it. Now pick a point that is "above" the plane, and draw a line from the point to the circumference of the circle. Now draw another one. And another. If you draw all the lines from that point to the circle, you'll create a cone. If you picked a point that is on a line perpendicular to the plane and that goes through the center of the circle, then you have set the conditions to make a right circular cone. This 3-dimentional geometric figure is fun to investigate. Use the link below to lean more about the cone.