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A triangle (and all 2-dimensional or plane figures) have only one face.

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Q: What is the number of faces of a triangle?
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What are the number of faces on a triangle pyramid?


In a triangle prism how does the number of faces compare to the number of edges?

A triangular prism has 5 faces, 9 edges and 6 vertices

How many faces does a triangle prism have?

There are 2 triangle base faces, and 3 rectangle faces. 5 total faces.

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How many triangle faces does a square pyramid have?

four triangle faces.

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Why triangle looks like a pyramid?

Pyramids do have a number - 4 or more - of triangular faces.

Does a triangle have faces?

No. A triangle is a two-dimensional polygon (flat figure). It has sides that consist of three line segments, with an interior area. Only a three-dimensional form (polyhedron) can have faces. Triangles serve as faces for any number of polyhedrons, such as pyramids.

How many triangles does a pyramid have?

A pyramid has a variable number of triangular faces. The base of a triangle can be practically any regular shape, starting with a triangle. Technically a pyramid can have four or more triangles as faces.

How many face are on a triangular pyramid?

4 faces. The number of faces on a pyramid is one more than the number of sides of the base. A triangle has 3 sides, therefore a triangular pyramid has 3 +1 = 4 faces.

How many faces does a triangle prism?

5 faces

What does face of a triangle mean?

The face of a triangle is the flat surface of the solid figure. _________________________________________________ A face is a side of a 3 dimensional figure. So, the number of faces a triangle would be 0.