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Q: What is the perimeter of a pythagorean spiral?
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How do you find the perimeter of a parallelogram using Pythagorean theorem?

you can't, because the Pythagorean theorem is for right triangles and the triangles formed by the diagonal of a parallelogram are not right triangles.

What is pythagorean spiral?

it is a series of isosceles triangles with all 90 degree angles and consist of 17 triangles

How does a architecture design use the pythagorean theorem?

Its simply used to find the distance,area,and perimeter.

How do you find the perimeter with one side missing?

14cm and 11cm what is the missing side using pythagorean theorem

How is the Pythagorean Theorem used in Architecture?

A2 + B2= C2 :It's used simply to find distance, area, and perimeter.

To what extent does the Pythagorean spiral not meet the basic principles of Islamic Art?

well Islamic art fits in a square doesnt it like all the tessilations and stuff so yeah a spiral cant fit in a square :)

What are the dimensions of a right triangle with a perimeter of twelve cm?

3 cm, 4 cm and 5 cm because they are a Pythagorean triple

How do you find the perimeter a triange when you know the length of one side and two of the angles?

Pythagorean theorem ~ a Squared + b Squared= c Squared

If a rhombus has diagonals of lengths 7cm and 12cm Using the Pythagorean theorem calculate the perimeter?

Perimeter: 4 times square root of (3.5^2+6^2) = 2 times square root of 193 in cm

Formula for finding the perimeter of a triangle?

If you know any two angles and a side, you can use the law of sine (or law of cosine) to find the other two sides, add them up and get the perimeter. It you know the base and height, you can use the Pythagorean Theorem to get the side lengths, add them up and get the perimeter.

Why are formulas important in the real world?

pythagorean therom (a squared plus b squared = c squared), and basically all perimeter and area formuals

How do you find the perimeter of a triangle with only 10 and 8?

If ten is the hypotenuse of a right triangle, the Pythagorean theorem tells us that the other side has to be 6.