Same as a rectangle. It is, after all, a type of rectangle (lenght >< width)
To calculate the area of a rectangle, all you need to do is multiply the base and the height. In this case 1 and 1.5. So the area is simply 1.5.
the equation for area is area = length * width. area = 3cm*4cm. Area = 12cm^2
Area= Pi r squared
The area of the striped rectangle can be described as a portion of the total area of the figure. To determine the exact area of the striped rectangle, we would need to know the dimensions of the rectangle and calculate its area using the formula for the area of a rectangle (Area = length x width). The area of the striped rectangle would be a specific numerical value representing the space it occupies within the larger figure.
how haout no
The area of rectangle is : 896.0
The base equation for calculating the area of a rectangle is length multiplied by width.
area of the rectangle..
a rectangle can't be uneven !!
you split your shape in half, (The rectangle and the triangle), by putting a line through it and then calculate the area of the rectangle and then calculate the area of the triangle, half the area of the triangle then add the area of the triangle and the rectangle together!Then you should have your answer!
The base of a rectangle is a length and does not have any area. Therefore, the area can not be calculated.
Surface area of a rectangle is length times width
The perimeter of a rectangle is the distance around the rectangle. The area of a rectangle is the space inside the rectangle. To calculate either one you need the length and the width of the rectangle. To calculate the area multiply the length times the width. To calculate the perimeter add the length+width+length+width (that is the distance all the way around)
Same as a rectangle. It is, after all, a type of rectangle (lenght >< width)
with a tape measure To calculate the area of a rectangle, you multiply the length times the width. To calculate the area of a square, you multiply one side times another side. To calculate the area of a circle, you multiply the diameter times pi (that's 3.1416). To calculate the area of a triangle, you multiply the height times the base, and divide by 2.
You an calculate the area of a rectangle by multiplying length x width.