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Q: What is the range of measures for an angle formed by two intersecting lines?
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Two nonadjacent angles formed by two intersecting line are called?

Two angles that aren't adjacent but are formed by intersecting lines are called vertical angles. Their angle measures are always equal.

What is an angle formed by intersecting lines?

It is called vertical.

What is a non-adjacent angle formed by intersecting lines?

A pair of intersecting lines form adjacent and opposite angles. So the answer to the question is an opposite angle.

Angles formed by intersecting lines?

When lines intersect, angle formed between them is Θ or 180-Θ.

Is it true that the measure of the angle formed by two intersecting perpendicular lines are 90 degrees?

Yes, that is the definition of perpendicular. 2 lines intersecting to form a right(90o) angle.

What is the measure of the angle formed by two intersecting perpendicular lines?

90 degrees.

Is The measure of the angle formed by two intersecting perpendicular lines is 90?


The sum of the measures of the 4 angles formed by intersecting lines is equal to?

360 degrees

What are two pairs of vertical angles formed by intersecting lines?

Two pairs of vertical angle formed by intersecting lines is a plus sign or an x. something that looks like this, but with the lines completely touching: +x

What is a angle are pairs of opposite and congruent angles formed by intersecting lines?

Vertical angles

What is a non adjacent angle formed by lines?

A pair of intersecting lines form adjacent and opposite angles. So the answer to the question is an opposite angle.

Are intersecting lines that form right angle?

Intersecting lines that form a right angle are perpendicular lines.