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There need not be any relationship at all.

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4y ago

That they both have the same angles

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Is every trapezoid a rectangle?

No, every trapezoid is not a rectangle. There is no overlap between rectangles and trapezoids -- that is, no trapezoid is a rectangle. They are both four-sided quadrilaterals

What is difference between trapezoid and rectangle?

Trapezoid is like a rectangle but the two sides are slanted inwards so that the top is shorter than the bottom

What is the difference between a rectangle and a trapazoid?

A rectangle has four right angles. A trapezoid can have at most two.

What is the difference between a rectangle and a trapezoid?

A rectangle must have two (2) pairs of parallel sides, a trapezoid only needs one (1). A rectangle is a quadrilateral with 4 right angles, and a trapezoid is a quadrilateral with 1 pair of opposite parallel sides.

What are the differences between a rectangle and a trapezoid?

They are both 4 sided quadrilaterals but a rectangle has two pairs of opposite parallel sides whereas a trapezoid only has one pair of opposite parallel sides.

What is the difference between a trapazoid and a rectangle?

All four angles of a rectangle are right angles. A trapezoid can have at most two right angles.

The difference between a rectangle and a trapezoid?

A rectangle (including the special case of a square) has four right angles while a trapezium can have at most two.

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The relationship between the area of a triangle and a rectangle is a Triangle is base times height divided by 2. Area of a rectangle is length times height.

What is the area of the rectangle if the radius of each circle is 6cm?

It depends on the relationship between the rectangle and the circles.

What are the similarities and differences between a rectangle and a trapezoid?

They are both 4 sided quadrilaterals and have interior angles that add up to 360 degrees but a rectangle has 2 pairs of parallel sides whereas a trapezoid only has 1 pair of parallel sides of different lengths.

How do you convert the perimeter of a trapezoid to area?

You cannot. There is no direct relationship between perimeter and area.

What is the difference between a trapezoid and a rectangle?

the difference is that a rectangle has 4 sides with 2 pairs of parralell sides that are oposite to each other and a trapozoid has 4 sides but it only has 1 pair of parralell sie that's opposite to each othera trapezoid only has 1 pair of parallel lines while a rectangle has 2 pairs as well as having 4 right angles where a trapezoid will have no more then 2 at most