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For a reflection over the x axis, leave the x coordinate unchanged and change the sign of the y coordinate.For a reflection over the y axis, leave the y coordinate unchanged and change the sign of the x coordinate.

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Q: What is the rule for finding the reflection of a point over the axis?
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What does reflection over the y-axis mean?

Example: if you have a point with the coordinates (2,4), a reflection over the y-axis will result in the point with coordinates (-2,4).

How do you find the reflection of a point that is reflected over the x- axis and then over the x- axis?

It will be where it was, to start with.

How do you find the coordinates of a quadrilateral after reflecting it over the y axis?

If the coordinates of a point, before reflection, were (p, q) then after reflection, they will be (-p, q).

Will the distance between a point with whole number coordinates and its reflection over the x-axis always be an even number?

Yes. Suppose the point is P = (x, y). Its reflection, in the x-axis is Q = (x, -y) and then |PQ| = 2y.

Will the distance between a point with a whole number coordinates and its reflection over the X axis always be even?

Yes, it will.

What are the coordinates of point A when the shape is reflected over the y-axis?

If a point is reflected about the y-axis then the y co-ordinate remains unchanged but the x co-ordinate changes its sign. Examples : (3,7) after reflection becomes (-3,7) (-2, 5) after reflection becomes (2,5)

What is the line over which a figure is reflected?

It is the axis of reflection.

What is a math reflection?

A reflection in math is when a shape is flipped over the x or y axis by counting how many units the points are away from the axis and putting the point on the other side the same distance away. Shapes which are reflections are labeled with a '. Example: Shape ABC was reflected over the x axis to create shape A'B'C'.

What transformation gives the same result as a rotation of 180 around the origin followed by a reflection over the x axis?

Reflection in the y-axis.

What does reflection over the x-axis mean?


What are the coordinates of the reflection of (a b) over the y-axis?

They are (-a, b).

What is the reflection in Geometry?

Reflections are congruence transformations where the figure is reflected over the x-axis, y-axis, or over a line.