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flat bones long bones short bones and irregal bones

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Q: What is the shape of the bone in your legs and arms it is one of the 4 basic shapes?
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Related questions

What is the shape of the chief cells of the bone?

The shape of the chief cells of a bone are in various shapes.

What are the shapes of the bones in the human body?

Each bone has a different shape.

Why is every bone in your body a different shape and size?

Does every bone do the same thing? No, so they must be different sizes and shapes to do their jobs.

What is the shape of the chief cells of skeletal muscles?

The shape of the chief cells of the skeletal muscles is that they are tube-shaped.

What bones give shape to the nose and jaw?

The shape of the jaw comes from a bine called the Mandible. The shape of the nose comes from cartilage that projects from tha Nasal Bone (shapes only the very top part of the nos) and the Maxilla.

How do you construct two congruent shapes?

turn them into a 3D shape,used to make two congruent shapes.Two easy shapes to make a congruent shape is to use circle and rectangle,also triangles.You can compare a congruent shape by adding extra figures to it like a cube if there were no extra figures it wouldve been a square only.Congruent shapes are also one of natures preditors.Dogs have a connection with a congruent shape.A bone.

What is the bone that shapes your head?


Do you have a tickle bone?

Yes you have a tickel bone it is in both arms!

True or false Bone shapes are not a clue to tenderness in meats?

Bone shapes can be a clue as to the tenderness in some meats. Blade bones typically signify a tougher cut of meat. Generally, the larger the bone, the more tender the meat surrounding the bone will be.

What shape bone is the patella?

It's a sesamoid bone which is a short bone

When classified according to shape the femur is a bone?

long bone

What is the basic unit of bone tissue?

Bone tissue is classified into compact bone and spongy bone. The compact bone basic unit is the osteon, or Haversian System. There are no osteons in spongy bone, but it is composed of lamellae, osteocytes, lacunae and canaliculi.