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SA = 294 square inches.

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Q: What is the surface area of a cube with a side length of 7 inch?
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What is the surface area of a cube with a 6 inch width and a 6 inch length?

216 square inches.

What is the surface area of a 1 inch cube?

The surface area of a 1 inch cube is: 6 square inches.

The formula A equals 6s square will calculate the surface area of a cube Suppose you have a cube that has a surface area of 216 in square what is the length of each side?

216 square inch total surface area, divide that by 6 to have the area of each square face, 36 square inch. The square root of that is the length of one side, 6 inches.

If a cube with a 5 inch side length is sliced in half what is the surface area of the two pieces?

surface area of each piece would be 100 sq.inch

What is the surface area of a 3 inch cube?

The surface area is 54 square inches.

What is the surface area of a 1.5 inch cube?

The surface area is 13.5 square inches.

A cube with 2 inch sides is placed on a cube with 3 inch sides then a cube with 1 inch sides is placed on the 2 inch cube what is the surface area of the three inch cube?

The bulk of the question is irrelevant ! If all you need is the surface area of the 3-inch cube, simply multiply 3 x 3 x 6 to give 54 square inches !

What is the surface area of a two inch cube?

Surface area formula for a cube is 6 x base x height. So the SA of a 2 inch cube is6x2x2 which equals 24 square inches.

What is the surface area of a three inch cube?

54 sq in

What is the surface area of a cube with 2 inch sides?


What is the area of a 12 inch cube?

volume is 12x12x12 surface area is 12x12x6

A cube with 2 inch sides is placed on a cube with 3 inch sides then a cube with 1 inch sides is placed on the 2 inch cube what is the surface area of the 3 cube tower?

74 square inches