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Bilateral symmetry

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Q: What is the symmetry shown by objects if there is a line that divides the object into halves that are mirror images?
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What is the symmetry shown by objects if there is one line that divides the object into halves that are mirror images?

bikateral symmetry

What is a symmetry in which an organism's body has two halves that are mirror images of each other?

This is referred to as bilateral symmetry, for instance the human body whose left side is more or less a mirror image of it's right side (on the exterior, that is).

What are planes of symmetry?

They are 'mirror images'

What are lines of semetry?

Lines of symmetry are 'mirror images'

How many axes of symmetry has a equilateral triangle?

For an equilateral triangle, there are three axes of symmetry. A plane figure is symmetrical about the line l if, whenever P is a point of the figure, so too is P', where P' is the mirror-image of P in the line l. The line is called a line of symmetry (or axis of symmetry), and the figure is said to be a symmetrical by the reflection in the line l. An equilateral triangle with reflection symmetry has two halves that are mirror images of each other. If the shape is folded over its line of symmetry, the two halves of the shape match exactly. So, we can say that the two halves of an equilateral triangle are matched exactly only when its shape is folded over the lines of symmetry that passes through their vertixes and the midpoint of its sides. Thus, an equilateral triangle has three lines of symmetry, and three angles of rotation. If you rotate any shape a full turn, it will look like it did before you rotated it. When you rotate a shape less than a full turn about its center point and it looks exactly as it did before you rotated it, it has rotation symmetry. In an equilateral triangle there are three places in the rotation where the triangle will look exactly the same as its starting position. If we turn the triangle one third of a full turn (60 degrees), the vertex 1 will be at position 3, vertex 2 will be at position 1, and vertex 3 will be at position 2, and the triangle will look like its starting position.

Related questions

What is the symmetry shown by objects if there is one line that divides the object into halves that are mirror images?

bikateral symmetry

What is the symmetry shown by objects if there is one line that divides th object into halves that are mirror images?

If they are completely mirror images, then it would be Perfect Symmetry, as long as both pieces are congruent.

What does line of symmetry?

line of symmetry is divides a figure into halves are the mirror images ofeach other

What does line of symmetry mean?

line of symmetry is divides a figure into halves are the mirror images ofeach other

What is the line that divides a figure into two matching parts?

It is a line of symmetry.

When two halves are mirror images they have what symmetry?

They have axial symmetry.

Does a baseball have a plane of symmetry?

Yes, a baseball does have a plane of symmetry. When sliced in half along its equator, both halves are mirror images of each other.

What is a body plan with 1 line of symmetry and the two halves are mirror images called?

bilateral symmetry

What is the axis symmetry of a letter?

A line that divides the letter so that the 2 halves are mirror images. Ex. The letter V ... A vertical line thru the bottom makes 2 parts that are mirror images, so that vertical line is the axis of symmetry. But.. A Capital E would not have a vertical axis of symmetry. Capital E would have a horizontal line splitting thru the middle line as its axis of symmetry.

Symmetry in which an organism's body has two halves that are mirror images of each other?

I think its bilateral

What section divides the body into mirror images?

The midsagittal plane, also known as the median plane, divides the body into two equal left and right halves, creating mirror images.

What is a linear symmetry?

It is called line symmetry when we can actually draw a line down the middle of a figure that divides the figure into two mirror images.