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Its volume: 0.5*7*5*10 = 175 cubic inches.

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Q: What is the volume of a triangular prism that is 10 inches long 7 inches wide and 4 inches high?
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One difference: An octahedron has 8 faces, a triangular prism has 5. An octahedron (="eight faces") is a regular high-symmetry solid with all the faces identical. A triangular prism has a triangular base, a triangular roof, and 3 rectangular sides (walls).

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The formula for the volume of a prism is cross-sectional area x length.The cross-sectional area for a triangular prism is the area of the triangle with base (width) 14 ft and height 24 feet. This area is 0.5*14*24 = sq feet. So the volume is 0.5*14*24*40 cubic feet = 6720 cubic feet.

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The volume of any rectangular prism, inclucing a square container, is:.length x width x height.For example, a box that is 4" long by 4" wide and 3" high would have a volume of 48 cubic inches.

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The equation of the volume of a rectangular prism is bwh where b is the length of the base, w is the length of the width, and h is the length of the height. 22x9x8 = 1584 cubed inches.

What is the volume of a rectangular prism that is 6 cm long 2 cm wide and 5 cm high.?

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