

Best Answer

i think it is a prism because lots of other websites are saying it is a prism so that why i think i is a prim i Hope i have answered your question

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Q: What is this 3d shape called it has 5 faces two opposite faces are triangles the other faces are rectangols?
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What shape has 5 faces where two opposite faces are triangles and 3 are rectangles?

A triangular prism, where the two ends are triangles.

What 3D shape has 5 faces two opposite faces that are triangles and the other faces are rectangles?

triangular prisom

What are lateral faces of a 3-D pyramid called?


What is a prism with triangular faces called?

If it has only two triangles then it is a triangle based prism. If it is has two n-sided polygonal faces and n triangles then it is a n-polygonal antiprism.

Eight equal sides and faces are triangles?

A three-dimensional shape with eight triangular faces is called an octahedron.

What has 5 faces and 2 are triangles?

A pyramid has five faces, and two of those faces are triangles.

How many faces of a rectangular pyramid are triangles?

4 of the faces of a Rectangular Pyramide are triangles.

What has 8 congruent equilateral triangles as faces and 6 vertices?

A solid with 8 faces is an octahedron.As all faces are the same it is a regular octahedron.As such it is one of the five platonic solids - the only five 3D objects that can be regular: the tetrahedron (4 equilateral triangles for the faces), the hexahedron (usually called a cube with 6 square faces), the octahedron (as asked, 8 equilateral triangles for the faces), dodecahedron (12 regular pentagons as faces), icosahedron (20 equilateral triangles as faces).

What do the regular tetrahedron octahedron and icosahedron have in common?

Their faces are equilateral triangles.

What are the sides of a pyramid called?

The sides are Triangles, the bottom is a square on a regular pyramid.Another answer: Faces

Are the side faces of a pyramid triangles?

yes they are triangles

What are the shapes of the faces of a triangular prism?

Triangles and rectanglesijhjnjn bcdhc2 triangles and 3 rectanglesThere are three rectangular faces and two triangular faces.2 triangles and 3 rectangles. Hope this helps:-)triangles and rectanglesit is 4The bottom and top are triangles, the sides are rectangles.Tiangles