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A trapezoid (UK trapezium) has D)one set of opposite sides parallel although they are of unequal length. An isosceles trapezoid has two sets of equal angles, at the ends of each of the parallel sides.

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Q: What is true about a trapezoid A opposite sides are equal B opposite angles are equal C both pairs of opposite sides are parallel D one pair of opposite sides is parallel?
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Opposite sides not parallel angles not equal?

trapezoid is the answer!

What is a quadrilateral with opposite sides and opposite angles?

The practical answer is a parallelogram, which has two sets of parallel opposite sides and two sets of equal opposite angles. This includes rhombi, rectangles, and squares.A trapezoid (trapezium) has one set of parallel opposite sides that are not equal, but may have non-parallel opposite sides equal in length (isosceles trapezoid).

Does a trapezoid have 2 pair of opposite congruent angles?

Whether or not the opposing angles of a trapezoid (UK trapezium) are equal depends on the axis of symmetry. A trapezoid (trapezium) can be defined as a quadrilateral with one pair of opposite sides parallel. It is not a parallelogram because only one pair of sides is parallel. It is called a regular trapezoid if the sides that aren't parallel are equal in length and both angles coming from a parallel side are equal

What are properties of trapezoid?

A trapezoid has one pair of opposite sides parallel.A regular trapezoid has non-parallel sides equal and its base angles are equal, as shown in the following diagram.

What kinds of symmetry do an isosceles trapezoid have?

Do you mean trapEzoid? An isosceles trapezoid is a four sided figure with only two opposite sides parallel. The base angles are equal and and the angles to the other parallel line are also equal. The degrees of the four angles added together equal 180. Check out <> for more details.

How are trapezoids and squares different?

Trapezoids and squares differ in several ways. Firstly, a square has four equal sides and four 90-degree angles, while a trapezoid has only one pair of parallel sides and two non-parallel sides. Additionally, the opposite sides of a square are parallel, while in a trapezoid, only one pair of sides is parallel. Lastly, all angles in a square are equal, whereas angles in a trapezoid can be different.

What quadrilateral has 4 equal sides but not a trapezoid?

A quadrilateral with 4 equal sides but not a trapezoid is called a rhombus. In a rhombus, opposite sides are parallel but there are no right angles.

Why is trapezoid not a rectangle?

A rectangle has four right angles, two parallel pairs of line segments, and the lines are perpendicular. A trapezoid has one pair of parallel angles, and the angles do not have to be right, although a trapezoid with a right angle is called a right angle trapezoid, and a trapezoid with no parallel segments is a trapezium.

What quadrilateral has no equal angles and its opposite sides are parallell?

It is not possible for a quadrilateral in Euclidean plane geometry to have no equal angles and still have its opposite sides parallel.It's possible for a quadrilateral to have no equal angles and two of its sides parallel (opposite ones, obviously; adjacent sides can't possibly be parallel). That would be a trapezoid.

What has 4 sides and 4 angles and not all sides are equal and both sets of opposite sides are parallel?

A trapezoid.

What quadrilateral have opposite sides that are not parallel and angles that aren't equal?

trapezoid, trapezium or kite see the attached link

What is the difference between a parallelogram and a trapezoid?

In a parallelogram, both pairs of opposite sides are parallel and equal. In a trapezoid (UK trapezium), only one set of sides is parallel, and the sides may all have unequal lengths, or two sides may have equal length with equal and opposite angles (this is routinely called an isosceles trapezoid).