An invisible boundary, probably.
An invisible boundary, probably.
An invisible boundary, probably.
An invisible boundary, probably.
The boundary line is solid. If not it will be a dashed line.
It gets refracted so that its direction of propagation is the boundary line.
a heavy solid line used on a drawing to represent the outline of an object.
The dashed boundary inducartes that the points on the boundary are not includedin the region which it bounds.This would be the case when the inequality says that one side is (more or less) than ...but not equal to ... the other side.
This line is a boundary between two phases.
There is no such mark The line of latitude labeled 0° is called the Equator, and forms the boundary between the northern and southern Hemispheres. The line of longitude labeled 0° is called the Prime Meridian. It's one of the two lines that separate the eastern and western Hemispheres.
The boundary line is solid. If not it will be a dashed line.
The boundary line marks the edge or limit of a defined area. The area immediately inside the boundary refers to the space or region that falls within the set limits of the boundary line.
The official definition of boundary is "a line that marks the limits of an area; a dividing line."
A boundary is a restriction, a line of demarkation. That fence is the boundary between our property. The ball went outside of the boundary.
The boundary line under the basket is known as the baseline.
A boundary is a dividing line that separates one area from another.
The boundary of the set of rational numbers as a subset of the real line is the real line.
The Boundary Line - 1915 was released on: USA: 20 February 1915
The cast of The Boundary Line - 1925 includes: Fred Humes
the treaty line