The letters that have no angles are O, C, G, and S. These letters are considered to be circular or curvilinear in shape, lacking any straight lines or sharp corners. The absence of angles in these letters distinguishes them from angular letters such as L, T, and Z.
A, K, M, N, R, V, W, X (possibly), Y (possibly), Z
There is no letter in the alphabet that has an obtuse angle.
What are letter in the alphabet that have an abtuse angle
3 Angles
Capital letters that have right angles depend on the font, but I can find 10:BDEFGHILPRT2 Lower case letters with right angles are:ft
Quadrangle has four sides four angles and is ten letters long.
A, K, M, N, R, V, W, X (possibly), Y (possibly), Z
Y and A
There is no letter in the alphabet that has an obtuse angle.
Angles are represented by capital letters. Small letters refer to sides.