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It is an instrument of two mirrors, where the angle can be adjusted.

The observer puts his eye to the eye glass, to see the two mirros. He first observes the given star, through one glass. Then adjusts the angle so he can see the horizon through the other glass. So he is seeing both the given star and the horizon. The given angle between the two mirrors will be used to estimate the latitude for navigational purposes.

If the SUN is used as the observational star, then 1; a darkened mirror is used , to avoid blindness, and 2 ; the angle measured is the latitude.

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Q: What navigational instruments measure the angle of a star to the horizon?
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The navigational tool to find latitude is a sextant, which uses the angle of the sun or stars above the horizon to determine the observer's position on Earth. This angle corresponds to the observer's latitude.

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The device that astronomers use to find the angle between the horizon and stars in the sky is called a sextant.

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The sunset is typically measured by the angle of the sun as it disappears below the horizon. This angle can vary depending on your location and the time of year. One common way to measure sunset is using degrees above the horizon or by using a specific almanac or app.

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Sailors could use a sextant to measure the angle between the sun and the horizon. By comparing this angle with known tables, they can determine their latitude at sea.

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To determine your latitude in the northern hemisphere using a star, measure the angle between the horizon and the star using a sextant. This angle is called the star's altitude. If you know the star's declination (which is constant), subtract it from 90 degrees minus the star's altitude to find your latitude.

What are the Advantages of a sextant?

Sextants are reliable navigation tools for determining the angle between celestial objects and the horizon, allowing sailors to establish their position accurately at sea. They do not rely on electricity or technology, making them dependable in remote areas or during emergencies. Additionally, mastering the use of a sextant can improve navigation skills and deepen understanding of celestial phenomena.

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