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A square and rectangle both have congruent triangles in them.

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Q: What other 2d shape has congruent triangles in it?
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What is A name of a 2d shape?

2D shapes include squares, triangles, rectangles and circles.

Angles are congruent?

Congruent angles exactly the same size and shape. They have the same measurements. For example, two angles are congruent if they both measure 85 degrees, or if they both measure 621 degrees. As long as they have the exact same measurement, angles are congruent. But they do not have to be the same length and width.The definition of congruent is:con·gru·ent /kənˈgro͞oənt/Adjective:In agreement or harmony.(of figures) Identical in form; coinciding exactly when superimposed.As noted with the mathematical example above, they are identical angles. If you put two congruent triangles over one another, they will look the same.In a cube, all sides if sliced off from each other until they are each 2D squares, will all be congruent.

What is an irregular 2D shape?

A wriggly line that closes in on itself. All triangles other than equilateral All quadrilaterals other than a square etc

What 2D shape with 3 sides?

A triangle as no other 2d shape can have 3 sides.

What is a 2d shape of a octahedron what 2d shapes are there in a octahedron?

An octahedron is a closed 3-d shape with 8 polygonal faces. There are 257 topologically different convex octahedra. They can have faces which are triangles, quadrilaterals, pentagons, hexagons or heptagons.

Which 2D shapes have right angels?

Rectangles, squares, and right triangles always have.Every 2D shape with more than 2 sides can have a right angel but doesn't need to.

What 2d shape has a line drawn between two vertices which are not next to each other called?

2D shape

What a shape that look like a triangles?

A 3 dimensional triangle is called a pyramid, otherwise a 2D three sided polygon shape is exactly what you called it, a triangle.

Can any 3D shape other than a square tessellate?

If you are comparing with a square then you are thinking of 2D shapes not 3D. The answer is yes there are other 2D shapes that tessellate.You have to look no further than nature to provide an example; the hexagon which is the shape that provides the basis for the honeycomb that bees use!Another example would be some triangles. For example, two equal right angle triangles will fit together to form a rectangle (which clearly tessellates).

Is it true that A 3D shape is made of a combination a 2D shapes?

Yes. for example to make a pyramid, you need 4 triangles and a square

What is a prism shape?

Any 3D shape with a constant cross-section; in other words, a 2D shape stacked on top of itself, like a triangle on a Toblerone box. But it need not be a triangular shape that is stacked. A rectangular 2-d shape would give a cuboid. Any poygonals shape can be stacked for a prism. Not a piramid, or pyramid even, which is not a prism!

Is square a 2D shape or a 3D shape?

It's a 2D shape.