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Q: What polygon has 2 more sides than a octagon?
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How many more sides does a polygon have than a octagon?

an octagon is a polygon. an octagon has 8 sides. a polygon is a shape with closed sides.

An octagon is larger than a pentagon?

An octagon has more sides and angles than a pentagon. An octagon is a polygon with eight sides and eight angles and a pentagon is a polygon with five sides and five angles.

Name the polygon that has two more sides than a hexagon?

An octagon with 8 sides.

Polygon A is a square. Polygon B has 4 more sides than polygon A. What type of polygon is B?

Polygon B is an octagon.

What polygon has more sides than a pentagon?

There are two answers. Hexagon and Octagon

What is a polygon that has more than four sides?

How about: pentagon, hexagon, heptagon, octagon .... etc

What do the mathematics call a regular polygon with eight sides?

A polygon with eight sides, regular or not, is an octagon. There isn't a special name for a regular octagon (other than "regular octagon").

A polygon that has equal sides and equal angles?

it is a shape that has more than 5 sides the answer can be a hexagon pentagon octagon ect.

What polygon shape has more than 5 verticles?

Polygons of 6 or more sides have more than 5 vertices such as an octagon which has 8 vertices

How many more sides does an octagon have than a pentegon?

an octagon has three more sides than a pentagon

How many more sides does an octagon have than a trapezoid?

An octagon has four more sides than a trapezoid, because an octagon has 8 sides whereas a trapezoid has 4 sides

Can a ploygon have more than 4 sides?

Yes. A polygon can have any number of sides over 2. There are regular polygons with any number of sides more than 2 as well. For example, stop signs are shaped as a regular octagon, a regular 8-sided polygon.