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Another two 3d cylinders are then created

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Q: What shape would be created if you cut a 3d cylinder horizontally?
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What shape would be created if you cut a cylinder in half horizontally?

a circle

What 2-D shape will you see if you cut a cylinder horizontally?

I'm not a hundred percent sure but I think It would be a circle. Hope that helps.

Why is the cylinder the shape it is?

Because that is the shape that is defined by the term "cylinder" and describedas "cylindrical". If it were any other shape, then it would not be a cylinder.

What solid figure you would get if you cut a cylinder into two?

Another cylinder if you dissect it horizontally. In other cases, the name is unknown.

What is circle shape called?

A 3-D shape? That would be a cylinder.

What is the shape of cylinder?

Presumably they would be cylinders.

What is metal cylinder?

I would hazard a guess that it is an object made of metal, and in the shape of a cylinder.

What shape would be the side view of a cylinder?

A rectangle. If the cylinder has the same height as its width, the side view would be a square.

What is cyllnder in math?

it is a 3-D shape. a can is a cylinder. I would say a cylinder is more related to geometry, though.

Is a cylinder a polygon?

No, a cylinder is not a polygon. It is not a polygon because it has curved sides. In order to be considered a polygon, it would need to have flat sides. Also, a polygon is a 2 dimensional shape but a cylinder is a three dimensional shape.

Diameter height length is given how to find volume of cylinder laid horizontally?

Whether a cylinder is laid horizontally, or standing vertically, it has the same volume.The volume of a cylinder is the 'square area' of the circle at the end, multiplied by its length/height.The area of a circle is Pi x diameter. (The inner diameter is probably best. The final calculation will then show the total internal volume in cubic units.)End area x length = volume.If the cylinder is laid horizontally, the distance between the ends would be called its length. If the cylinder is standing up, the distance between the ends is called its height.

What solid shape has flat circles on each end?

My guess would be a cylinder.