

Is a cylinder a polygon

Updated: 4/28/2022
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8y ago

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No, a cylinder is not a polygon. It is not a polygon because it has curved sides. In order to be considered a polygon, it would need to have flat sides.

Also, a polygon is a 2 dimensional shape but a cylinder is a three dimensional shape.

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Q: Is a cylinder a polygon
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Cylinder is not a polygon as it is a 3 dimensional object.

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A cylinder is a basic geometric three dimensional figure. The base is a circle. A cylinder can be described as an enclosed tube. It cannot be classified as a polygon since all of the sides are not segments.

Is a cylinder a prism?

No, a prism has flat sides. Triangular prisms are very common, but any polygon can be the cross section of a prism.

A cylinder is a prism?

No, a prism has flat sides. Triangular prisms are very common, but any polygon can be the cross section of a prism.

Is a cylinder considered to be a 3 dimensional figure with 2 parallel bases and not a polygon?

yes - one criterion of a polygon is being made up of only straight lines. polygons are also 2-dimensional. a cylinder is neither of these two things, as it is 3-dimensional (has length, width, and depth) and its two bases are circles, which are curved.

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A cylinder is a basic geometric three dimensional figure. The base is a circle. A cylinder can be described as an enclosed tube. It cannot be classified as a polygon since all of the sides are not segments.

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