What you're looking for is a palindrome.
This is a word, or number that reads the same backwards and forwards.
ex: Hannah, Race Car, 1221, 9009
I don't believe any states can be read the same forwards and backwards, sorry!
Yes, it has one line of reflective symmetry. But the Roman 3 has two lines.
Line or reflective symmetry is really a special case of rotational symmetry but from a different viewpoint. In line symmetry imagine a line going north to south on the page. If you rotate an image out of the page around that line through 180 degrees you get a reflection. For rotational symmetry imagine that same line being perpendicular to the page so that you see it as a dot. The image is then rotated around that dot.
The answer depends of the font.In broad terms, in the upper case letters:F, G, J, L, P, Q and R.The others have reflective (or line) symmetry, or they have rotational symmetry, or both.
ALL letters have at least one line of rotational symmetry. However - if you mean reflective symmetry, the letters F, G, J, L, P, Q, R, S, & Z do not.
The letters H and Z have both line symmetry and rotational symmetry
Yes - it has two lines of reflective symmetry.
How about an isosceles trapezoid
Yes, it has one line of reflective symmetry. But the Roman 3 has two lines.
The diagonals of rectangles are rotational lines of symmetry but not reflective. To be reflective lines, folding along the line has to give the same shape on each side.
Any line through a circle has reflective symmetry about the radius that is at right angles to it.
Line or reflective symmetry is really a special case of rotational symmetry but from a different viewpoint. In line symmetry imagine a line going north to south on the page. If you rotate an image out of the page around that line through 180 degrees you get a reflection. For rotational symmetry imagine that same line being perpendicular to the page so that you see it as a dot. The image is then rotated around that dot.
The answer depends of the font.In broad terms, in the upper case letters:F, G, J, L, P, Q and R.The others have reflective (or line) symmetry, or they have rotational symmetry, or both.
Reflective symmetry is when you have a shape (a letter for example, even though they are weird shapes) and you can put a line through it called a mirror line. On the mirror line you put a mirror on it and you can see a half of the shape reflected to make the complete shape.You must be able to do this on both sides of the shape otherwise it won't have reflective symmetry.Take the letter E for example. If you put a line straight through the middle of it horizontally it would be a mirror line.
ALL letters have at least one line of rotational symmetry. However - if you mean reflective symmetry, the letters F, G, J, L, P, Q, R, S, & Z do not.
Depending on the triangle:A scalene triangle has no lines of symmetry.An isosceles triangle has 1 (one) line of symmetry.An equilateral triangle has 3 (three) lines of symmetry.