If those are the lengths of the triangle's sides, then you have a "right" triangle.
The angle opposite the 5-inch side is a 90-degree angle.
what is the volume of the rectacgular solid 2in,5in,3in.
Yes it can. The internal angles would be 90, 60 & 30 degrees
It is an isosceles triangle
4+4+6+5 = 19 inches is the perimeter
The dimensions given fit that of a right angle triangle
what is the volume of the rectacgular solid 2in,5in,3in.
Yes it can. The internal angles would be 90, 60 & 30 degrees
It is an isosceles triangle which has two equal sides
None because the given dimensions are invalid to construct any type of triangle
5in. = 12.5 cm 1in. = 2.5 cm 2in. = 5 cm 3in. = 7.5 cm 4in. = 10 cm
How many triangles exist with the given side lengths 3in, 4in, 2in
Yes it's closer to it
It is an isosceles triangle
4+4+6+5 = 19 inches is the perimeter
fish about 5in or 4in lowest