

What type of angle sum up to 90?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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15y ago

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45 degrees and 45 degrees.

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Q: What type of angle sum up to 90?
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The pair of angle shown sum 90?

Complementary angles add up to 90 degrees.

Is it true that if a sum of an angle is 90 degree then the angle is complementary?

Yes it is true that angles that add up to 90 degrees are said to be complementary

If two angles are complimentary and if one angle is acute then the other angle is what kind of angle?

Well, if one angle is acute then the other one has to be acute. This is because the definition of complimentary angles is the sum sum of the angles has to add up to 90 degrees. So therefore, the angle has to add up to 90 degrees.

What applies to any angle that have a sum of 90 degrees?

They are said to be complementary angles that add up to 90 degrees

What are two angles that have the same measures have the sum of 90?

Two angles that have the same measure and sum up to 90 degrees are complementary angles. For example, if one angle measures 45 degrees, the other angle will also measure 45 degrees, and their sum will be 90 degrees.

What angle Angle of a triangle is equal to the sum of the measures of its two remote interior angles?

A right angle triangle has a 90 degree angle and its other two angles add up to 90 degrees

What is the complement of a 55 degree angle?

A pair of complementary angles sum up to 90 degrees. In this instance, the complement of a 55-degree angle is 90 - 55 = 35 degrees.

What is the measure of an angle that is complementary to a 23.5 degree angle?

A pair of angles are complementary if their sum adds up to 90 degrees. Therefore, in this case, the angle complementary to 23.5 degrees is 90 - 23.5 = 66.5 degrees.

What is a complimentary angles?

Complementary angles are when the angle measures of the two angles add up to 90.

Can a right triangle have a 140 degree angle?

No, not really. The two remaining interior angles have to add up to 90, since the sum of the angles in a triangle must total 180. The right angle means you have already used 90, so the remaining two must have a sum of 90. There is a more complex answer. Right triangles can have an external angle of 140. If angle A is 90 degrees, and angle B is 40 degrees, then angle C will be 50 degrees. The external angle at the extension of AB, through corner B, namely the extension of a ray from A through B, will create an angle with segment CB. It will be the sum of the measures of A and C: 140 degrees.

What is two angles who's sum add up to 90 degrees?

0 and 90 1 and 89 2 and 88 0.5 and 89.5 etc. Just choose any number for the first angle, and subtract it from 90 to get the second angle.

What is the sum of two adjacent angles?

The sum of two adjacent angle could be anything. If they are supplementary, they will add to 180, and if they are complementary, they will add up to 90. Recommend me please! :)