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Like with all other right triangles, use the Pythagorean Theorem.

If you have 2 vectors that form a right triangle, the resultant should be the hypotenuse. So you just need to square both of the vectors, add them together, then take the square root.


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Q: When finding the resultant of two vectors at right triangles you should use what?
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What is the formula for a triangular pyramid in surface area?

A=1/2bh The area of a triangle is 1/2bh. If the base of it is a triangle and all 4 of the triangles aren't the same, then you have to find the area of the base triangle and then the three other triangles (which should all have the same area). If all four of the triangles have the same area, then just find the area of one of the triangles and multiply that by four. A triangular pyramid that has four equal triangles is also called a tetrahedron.

If you draw 2 equilateral triangles that are congruent and share a side what polygon is formed is it a regular polygon?

it should make a square leaned over

What are the angles of a 12 sided polygon?

to calculate this, you must find out how many triangles you can draw in to the shape. do this by picking an angle. draw a line to all of the other angles. (for a 12 sided, there would be 9, subtract 3 from any shape to see.) mutiply the number of triangles by 180 degrees. this should be the degrees of the shape. for a 12 sider, the answer would be 1620 degrees.

Does a diameter that is perpendicular to a chord bisect the chord?

Yes, any diameter which is perpendicular to a chord bisects said chord. This can be proved most easily with a picture, but is proved using a congruent triangle proof. Both triangles include the points at the center of the circle and the intersection of the diameter and chord. The other points should be the endpoints of the chord. They are congruent by hypotenuse leg; it was given that they are right triangle by the "perpendicular", the "leg" is the segment between the center of the circle and the intersection, and it is equal in both triangles because it is the same segment in both triangles. The hypotenuses are equal because both are radii of the circle. Because the triangles are congruent, their sides must be so the two halves of the chord are congruent, and therefore the chord is bisected by the diameter.

What is the sum of the measures of the interior angles of this regular pentagon?

For any pentagon the sum of the internal angles is 540.To calculate this, draw the pentagon and split it into triangles by drawing lines from one corner to the other corners, which should produce 3 triangles.The sum of internal angles of a triangle is 180, therefore, multiplying the amount of triangles by the internal angles of a triangle gives the total internal angle.Therefore, for a pentagon, 3 triangles * 180 = 540.This method can be done for any polygon.EDIT: This is an absolutely BRILLIANT answer ! It's well-structured, precise and accurate - an excellent example of how to answer a question ! I wanted to award a well-deserved trust-point, but couldn't because it came from an anonymous web-site. Whoever wrote this should take pride in their effort - and register so their future contributions can be properly rewarded ! Snakester1962 (Supervisor)

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What should be the angle for the resultant of two vectors to be maximum?

that's what she said

What should be the angle between two vectors of magnitudes 8 and 8 units so that their resultant has a magnitude of 20 units?

It is not possible. The maximum magnitude is obtained when the vectors are aligned and in this case the resultant has a magnitude which is the sum of the individual vectors. In the given example, the maximum possible magnitude for the resultant is 16 units. In general |a+b| <= |a| + |b| where a, b are vectors and |a| is the magnitude of a

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Theortically, should be the same.

How should two vectors lie so that their resultant is zero?

In order for two vectors to add up to zero:-- their directions must be exactly opposite-- their magnitudes must be exactly equal

What should be the angle between the two vectors of magnitudes 3.20and 5.70 units so that their resultant has a magnitudeof 10 units?

The maximum value that the combination of two vectors can have is sum of their magnitudes which in this case is 8.9. This maximum value is less than the needed 10, therefore no angle between them will produce the necessary resultant.

Is it possible to combine two vectors of different magnitude to give a zero resultant. if not can three vectors be so combined?

You should try to visualize this yourself. Draw arrows, representing vectors, on paper; draw them head-to-tail. Try to make the head of the last arrow return to the tail of the first one. The answer is no, and yes.

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you'll need at least three. Think of them as being connected. To have a zero resultant, putting the vectors together head to tail should form a closed shape. The first vector can be in any direction. The second vector starts where the first ended, and extends in a different plane. The last vector starts from where the second ended and extends to the beginning of the first vector. The three end up making a triangle, which gives you a zero resultant

What are the ways of determining the resultant vector?

You can do it graphically by drawing the vectors with the end of the first touching the beginning of the second, the end of the second touching the beginning of the third, and so on, being careful to maintain the direction and the scale of the magnitude of each. The resultant is then the vector that starts at the beginning of the first vector and ends at the end of the last vector. You should get the same resultant no matter what order you put the vectors in. You can do it matematically by trigonometrically separating each vector into its x and y components, adding together all the x's and adding together all the y's, then calculating the resultant. Think of each vector as the hypotenuse of a right triangle. After adding together the x's and y's, the two sums are the two sides of a right triangle whose hypotenuse is the resultant.

What should be the angle between two vectors for there resultant to have maximum magnitude?

Zero. For example, if two people pull in the same direction, they are more effective than if they pull in opposite directions. The latter (180°) is the worst-case scenario in this case.

How may the resultant of two vectors be computed analytically from vector parallelogram?

To compute the sum (resultant) of two vectors analytically, you divide each vector into components - for example, horizontal and vertical parts (that should add up to the original vector). This can be done with some simple trigonometry. Then, the x-component and y-component (and z-component, if it is in three dimensions) are added separately for the resulting vector.

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The angle between 2 vectors can have any value.

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