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The area of a triangle is 1/2bh. If the base of it is a triangle and all 4 of the triangles aren't the same, then you have to find the area of the base triangle and then the three other triangles (which should all have the same area).

If all four of the triangles have the same area, then just find the area of one of the triangles and multiply that by four. A triangular pyramid that has four equal triangles is also called a tetrahedron.

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Q: What is the formula for a triangular pyramid in surface area?
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What is the formula to calculate the surface area for a triangular pyramid?

SA equals pi times the radius squared

What is the formula for a tiangular pyramid?

The volume of a triangular pyramid can be found using the formula Volume=Base Area x height /3. Surface Area can be expressed as Surface Area =Base Area+0.5 x perimeter x side length.

How are a triangular prism and triangular pyramid volume formulas alike and different?

The answer will depend on what aspect the formula is for: the surface area or the volume being the most obvious options.

What is the formula to work out the surface area of a pyramid?

If it is a triangular pyramid it would be (1/2bh)4 A triangular prism is (1/2bh)5, or (base x height divided by 2)times 4

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Volume_any_pyramid = 1/3 × area_base × perpendicular_height For a triangular pyramid (tetrahedron) this becomes: volume = 1/6 × base_width × base_height × pyramid_height For the surface area there is no (easy) general formula: the area of the base triangle and the area of the three side triangles need to be worked out and added together.

What is the surface area of a regular triangular pyramid with the lateral surface area of 72cm?

It is 288 cm^2.

What is the surface area of this triangular pyramid?

It is the sum of the areas of its four faces.

What is the surface area of a triangular pyramid if each face has an area of 30 mm2?

the answer is 120

What is the formula to find the area of a pyramid?

first you find the area of the base and then you find the area one side of the pyramid an you time it with 3 if it is a triangular pyramid or 4 if it is a square pyramid

What is the surface area of a triangular pryramid?

Surface area of a triangular pyramid: SA = 1/2 as + 3/2 sl a = altitude of the base triangle s = side of the triangle l = slant height of the pyramid.

What is the formula for the surface area of a rectangular pyramid?

PyramidV = 1/3 bhb is the area of the baseSurface Area: Add the area of the base to the sum of the areas of all of the triangular faces. The areas of the triangular faces will have different formulas for different shaped bases.

What is the volume formula of a triangular pyramid?

(1/3) * (base area) * height