Earth's rotation causes the water to move in a curve; this is a manifestation of The Coriolis force.
Think about this: A straight angle makes 180 degrees, right? Straight lines, when measured by a compass, are also 180 degrees. So, yes, all straight angles are straight lines.
No. A circle has no straight lines. You can approximate circles with very small straight lines (that's how a computer draws circles) but mathematically, no.
No, all polygons have straight lines. All lines are straight
parell lines
Isaac Newton proposed that light consisted of particles that travel in straight lines through space.
In all three states of matter (liquid, solid, gas), individual molecules move freely in straight lines due to their kinetic energy. However, in a solid, these movements are restricted to within a fixed position and vibrate in place. In a liquid and gas, the molecules have more freedom to move around, leading to a more dynamic behavior.
Radiation moves in the form of electromagnetic waves or particles. Electromagnetic radiation, such as light and microwaves, travels in waves and does not require a medium to propagate. Particle radiation, such as alpha and beta particles, move in straight lines and can be absorbed or scattered by matter.
Not necessarily . Gymnast's move in all different directions .
Decreasing the temperature of the system will decrease the average velocities of the particles, but will not change their pattern of movement.
Gas particles move randomly in all possible directions and travel in a straight path.
Particles in gas move in a straight line until they collide with another particle or the walls of the container. They move at a constant speed until they collide, then change direction. The particles have random motion, moving in all directions.
Both ball bearings and gas particles exhibit random motion due to collisions with each other and their container walls. They move in straight lines until they encounter an obstacle. The kinetic energy of the ball bearings and gas particles determines the speed and direction of their movement.
Decreasing the temperature of the system will result in the particles slowing down and having reduced kinetic energy. This will cause the particles to move less vigorously and with lower velocities. The decreased temperature will also lead to a reduction in the average kinetic energy of the particles.
Straight lines.
Electrons do not move in straight lines. They follow a path that is influenced by electric and magnetic fields, as well as other factors such as collisions with atoms or molecules. The motion of electrons is often described as a random, zig-zag path, especially in materials with high resistance.
Earth's rotation causes the water to move in a curve; this is a manifestation of The Coriolis force.