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The origin is located at the point whose coordinates are (0, 0) in 2-dimensional space or (0, 0, 0) in 3-dimensional space.

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Q: Where is the origin of a rectangular coordinate locates?
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Where is the origin of a rectangular coordinate system located?

The origin is where the two intersect. This is where both number lines are 0.

What are the coordinate of the origin?

(0,0) are the coordinate of the origin.

What the other name of rectangular coordinate system?

The other name for the rectangular coordinate system is the Cartesian coordinate system. You can remember it because cartography is the study of maps, which are generally rectangular.

What is the y-coordinate of the origin?

The origin has a coordinate of (0,0).

Its Rene descarte's developed the rectangular coordinate system?

Rene Descartes developed the rectangular coordinate system.

What is the other name for coordinate plane?

The Rectangular Coordinate Plane

What is other name of rectangular coordinate system?

Cartesian coordinate system.

what is y-coordinate in rectangular coordinate system?

A point's y coordinate is its vertical position, or how high or low it is.

What is a rectangular coordinate grid?

a grid in a rectangular shape with a x axis and a y axis.

How can you name a point on a graph?

Compare it's position to the origin. The x coordinate is the number of units to the right of the origin. (If it is to the left of the origin the x coordinate is negative.) The y coordinate is the number of units above the origin. (If it is below, the y coordinate is negative.) The point is denoted (x,y) with the x coordinate in place of the x and the y coordinate in place of the y.

What is the meaning of rcs in algebra?

Rectangular Coordinate System

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