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square root of (5-9)^2+(1+6)^2

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Q: Which expression gives the distance between the points (5 1) and (9 -6)?
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Which expression gives the distance between the points 5 1 and 9 -6?

Distance = (9-5)2+(-6-1)2 = 65 and the square root of this is the distance between the points which is about 8.062257748

Which expression gives the distance between the points (2.5) and (-48)?

The distance between two points is: square root of [(x1-x2)^2 plus (y1-y2)^2] An exact answer could have been given if the points were properly enumerated.

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If you mean points of: (2, 5) and (-4, 8) Distance is the square root of (2--4)^2+(5-8)^2 = 6.708 rounded

What expression gives the distance between (25) and (-48)?


Which expression gives the distance between the points (2 5) and (-4 8)?

square root of (5-9)^2+(1+6)^2

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Distance: square root of [(4-7)squared+(6--3)squared)] = 3 times sq rt of 10 which is about 9.487 rounded

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If you mean: (4, 6) and (7, -3) then it is:- Distance is the square root of (4-7)^2+(6--3)^2 = 9.487 rounded to 3 decimal places

Which expression gives the distance the points (1 -2) and (2 4)?

square root of (5-9)^2+(1+6)^2

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Distance = sqrt(x2 + y2)

Distance between Washington dc and north pole?

im pretty sure if you get google earth you can use one of the tools to find the distance between two points dont know if it gives you air miles or land though

What is the distance between 7 1 and 7 3 on a coordinate plane?

The distance between two points on a coordinate plane is calculated using the distance formula: Distance = √((x2 - x1)^2 + (y2 - y1)^2) In this case, the coordinates of the two points are (7, 1) and (7, 3). Since the x-coordinates are the same, we only need to calculate the difference in the y-coordinates, which is (3 - 1) = 2. Plugging this into the distance formula gives us: Distance = √((0)^2 + (2)^2) = √4 = 2. Therefore, the distance between the two points is 2 units.