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Q: What expression gives the distance between the points (3-8) and(3-19)?
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Which expression gives the distance between the points 5 1 and 9 -6?

Distance = (9-5)2+(-6-1)2 = 65 and the square root of this is the distance between the points which is about 8.062257748

What is the source of the expression the shortest distance between two points is a straight line?

It has been attributed to Archimedes.

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The distance between two points is: square root of [(x1-x2)^2 plus (y1-y2)^2] An exact answer could have been given if the points were properly enumerated.

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If you mean points of: (2, 5) and (-4, 8) Distance is the square root of (2--4)^2+(5-8)^2 = 6.708 rounded

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To get the distance between ANY two points on a number line: * Subtract one number from the other * Take the absolute value of the result In symbols: distance(a, b) = | a - b |

What is the distance between two points called?

The distance between two points is called the "distance" or "Euclidean distance" in geometry.

What do you call the space between two points?

I assume you refer to the distance between the points.I assume you refer to the distance between the points.I assume you refer to the distance between the points.I assume you refer to the distance between the points.

Can the distance between two points be zero?

Yes, the x-distance, y-distance, z-distance, or any combination of the three between any two points may be zero Not possible. If the distance between two points is zero then the points are the same.

Which expression gives the distance between the points (2 5) and (-4 8)?

square root of (5-9)^2+(1+6)^2

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square root of (5-9)^2+(1+6)^2

Distance between two points?

the distance between two points is length

Distance between identical points on a wave?

The distance between identical points on a wave is called wavelength.