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The best estimate for the circumference of a circle that has a diameter of 6 is 18.9

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Q: Which is the best estimate for the circumference of a circle that has a diameter of 6?
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What is the best estimate of the circumference of a circle 2 units?

The Circumference of a circle (C) equals the number "pi" times the diameter of the circle (d). "pi" (3.14159...) is a number which you can never find the value of precisely, the numbers after the decimal point go on for ever. Given this information you can calculate what you need to know about your circle.

Best describes the diameter of a circle.?

The diameter of a circle is twice its radius or its largest chord passing through the center of the circle.

If the circumference of a circle is 44 centimeters what is the best estimate for the length of the radius of the circle?

It is very close to 7 cm. Circumference = pi (2r) c = 6.2832 r = 44 44/6.2832 = 7.003

How do you find the circumference and area of a circle?

-- If you know either the area or the circumference of the circle, you can calculate the other one. -- If you don't know either the area or the circumference, then you have to either measure the circle's diameter, or ask around and try to find someone who already knows what the length of the diameter is. -- Once you have the diameter, take 1/2 of it. That's called the circle's "radius". -- The area of the circle is (pi) x (radius)2 -- The circumference of the circle is (2 pi) x (radius) or (pi) x (diameter). (Pi) is a number that can never be exactly written down, so the best you can do is use some number that's close. The closer your number is to (pi), the closer your answer will be to the truth, but it can never be exactly and perfectly correct. (Pi) is approximately 3.1415926 . But the easiest and most practical way to work with it is to use 22/7 for it. If you do that, then your answers are only about 0.04 percent wrong, and that's actually pretty darn good.

What is the circumference of a circle with a diameter of twenty one feet?

65.97344572538565800766 feet +/- Circumference = Pi x diameter 21 feet x 3.14159265358979323846 = 65.97344572538565800766 feet Of course Pi goes on for many many decimal places so the best we can do is round it off to a point we are satisfied with. Let's call it 65.97 feet.

Related questions

Which is the best estimate for the circumference of a circle that has a diameter of 6.75 feet?

The circumference of a circle that has a diameter of 6.75 feet is about 21.2 feet.

What is the best estimate of the circumference of a circle with a 9.8 diameter?

Estimate: 3*10 = 30 inches Actual: pi*9.8 = 30.788 inches rounded to three decimal places

What is the best estimate of the circumference of a circle with a diameter of 39 inches?

Estimate: 3*40 = 120 inches Actual: pi*39 = 122.5 inches to one decimal place

What is the best estimate of the circumference of a circle 2 units?

The Circumference of a circle (C) equals the number "pi" times the diameter of the circle (d). "pi" (3.14159...) is a number which you can never find the value of precisely, the numbers after the decimal point go on for ever. Given this information you can calculate what you need to know about your circle.

Which is the best estimate of the circumference of a circle with a radius of 6 feet?


If the circumference of a circle is 44 inches what is the best estimate for the length of the radius of the circle?

Seven inches.

Best describes the diameter of a circle.?

The diameter of a circle is twice its radius or its largest chord passing through the center of the circle.

What is the best estimate for the circumference of a circle with a radius of 12m?

24 m hope I helped with your homework!

What is the circumference of a circle that has a diameter of 25.8cm?

to 13sf its 81.053090462 but that is what retards would put, the best way of putting it is 25.8π

The circumference of a basketball is 37.5 inches What is the best estimate for the diameter of the basketball?

divide by pi (3.14159) 11.93

What does Pi mean in matemathecs?

The ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter. Best fit is 355/113, which is correct to 6 places.

If the circumference of a circle is 44 centimeters what is the best estimate for the length of the radius of the circle?

It is very close to 7 cm. Circumference = pi (2r) c = 6.2832 r = 44 44/6.2832 = 7.003