Well, darling, the letters of the alphabet that have no straight lines are O, C, S, U, V, W, Y, and Z. So, if you're looking for some curvy, sassy letters, those are the ones you're after. Hope that clears things up for you!
E is the only letter.
W e
The letters in the alphabet that contain parallel lines are "H," "I," "K," "N," "X," and "Z." These letters have two or more straight lines that run alongside each other without intersecting. The letter "T" also contains perpendicular lines, as it has one vertical line intersected by a horizontal line at a right angle.
The letters of the alphabet that are formed from straight lines are:AEFHIKkLlMNTtVvWwXxYyZz
letters of the alphabet
the letters are : E
It depends on which alphabet you are talking about. The Latin alphabet for English has 11 upper case curved letters (BCDGJOPQRSU) and 18 lower case curved letters (abcdefghjmnopqrstu)
letter o and x
There are no straight lines in the letter "W" because it is made up of two diagonal lines intersecting at a point.
E is the only letter.
W e
N, M and H