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1y ago

There are no straight lines in the letter "W" because it is made up of two diagonal lines intersecting at a point.

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Q: How many straight lines are there in alphabet w?
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Which letters in the alphabet have 2 parallel lines?

W e

Which letters of the alphabet have no straight lines?

Well, darling, the letters of the alphabet that have no straight lines are O, C, S, U, V, W, Y, and Z. So, if you're looking for some curvy, sassy letters, those are the ones you're after. Hope that clears things up for you!

What intersecting lines are not perpendicular in the alphabet?

The letters A, K, M, N, R, V, W, Y, and Z all have lines in them that are not perpendicular.

What letters in the alphabet have vertical lines of symmetry?

A, v, m, w, y, o, u, x, t, i, h,

What number is the letter w in the alphabet?

W is letter number 23 in the alphabet.

What letter of the alphabet is w?

The alphabet has 26 letters. The letter "X" comes after the letter "W".The English alphabet, in order:ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ

What alphabet letters have 2 lines of symmetry?

H,I,O,X Note that if you draw "O" as a perfect circle, it will have infinitely many lines of symmetry.

Where do the X Y and Z go in this pattern A E F H I K L M N T V W B C D G J O P Q R S U?

AEFHIKLMNTVW XYZ BCDGJOPQRSU As you go down the alphabet you take out the letters that can not be formed by a straight lines and put them at the end. That is why the first group is has only straight lines and the last group has curved lines. If you separate them then they are still in alphabetical order.

Is 'w' a letter?

Yes, w is a letter of the alphabet.

What letters in the alphabet have parallel lines?

Parallel lines are lines that never intersect or never cross and meet together. There is 4 letters in the alphabet that have parallel lines. E,F,H,I, and N. The letters A,X, and T are examples of intersecting lines. the lines meet together.