Fixed area means that the measurement is given and does not change.
the larger the cross sectional area, the smaller the resistance
population density
Divide area by length and that gives you width.
Longitudes do not affect the climate of an area but instead they cause differences in time. Latitudes on the other hand affect climate.
Individual weather events, such as a storm, a cold winter or a hot summer do not effect climate in a given area. Climate is the statistics of weather, typically over a period of at least 30 years. Climate change is long term trends in climate and it is possible for short term changes to go in the opposite direction of the long term trend.
Elevation and location to the equator
Factors such as latitude, proximity to bodies of water, altitude, and prevailing wind patterns can all affect the climate of an area. Human activities, such as deforestation and urbanization, can also contribute to changes in climate.
Climate refers to long term weather patterns for a given area. Climate is determined by factors such as temperature, humidity, wind patterns, and precipitation levels that persist over extended periods of time.
May factors can affect whether crops will grow in a particular area. The climate will affect food growing. The type of wildlife and pests may also affect if food grows in an area.
The factors include, Reflectivity of the area, Topography, Climate, Cloud cover, Vegetation, and Latitude.
There are plenty of factors affecting elasticity of demand including climate of the area. Other factors that effect elasticity of demand include supply and group of people buying.
The type of climate in a given area determines which plant will grow there.
Two factors that influence the climate of a highland area are elevation and topography. Higher elevation typically results in cooler temperatures, while the surrounding topography can affect wind patterns and precipitation levels in the region.