A polygon with 6 sides has 6 angles.
rectangeler polygon
A polygon with 6 equal sides is called a regular hexagon.
it has 3 sides not 6
A polygon with 3 sides is called triangle A polygon with 4 sides is called quadrilateral A polygon with 5 sides is called pentagon A polygon with 6 sides is called hexagon A polygon with 7 sides is called heptagon A polygon with 8 sides is called octagon
A polygon with 6 sides is a hexagon and a polygon with 8 sides is an octagon
A polygon with 6 sides has 6 angles.
The polygon that has 6 sides and 6 angles is a hexagon.
A polygon with 6 sides is called a hexagon.
rectangeler polygon
A polygon with 6 equal sides and angles is called a hexagon.
An hexagon is a 2 dimensional polygon that has 6 sides
A polygon with 6 sides is an hexagon
An hexagon is polygon that has 6 sides
A polygon with 6 equal sides is called a regular hexagon.
A hexagon has 6 sides so it would be any other polygon greater than 6 sides