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Q: Who discovered the relationship between the sides of a right triangle?
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Who is the mathematician who derived a formula to calculate the relationship between sides of a right triangle?

Pythagoras proved it, but it may well have been discovered and used before his time.

What is the relationship between the hypotenuse and a right angle?

The hypotenuse is the side opposite to the right angle in the triangle.

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What is the relationship between the 2 acute angles in a right angle triangle?

They total 90o

What is the pythagorean thereom used in?

Euclidean geometry. It describes the relationship between the length of the sides in a right triangle.

Why was the Pythagorean theorem invented?

I guess, because one man had an enquiring mind and somehow discovered the relationship between the squares of the sides of triangles. Also they needed to ensure they had right angles for building and the 3-4-5 right angle triangle was perfect for this.

What are the Common things between a Right Triangle and an Equalateral Triangle?

Please answer the following question, " What is the difference between a Right Triangle and an Equalateral Triangle? "

Who discovered a mathematical formula to relate the sides of a right triangle?


What type of triangle is described by the pythagorean relationship?

A right triangle - one of the angles has to be 90 degrees

What are the side length relationship of a right triangle?

its too even :)

What is the relationship between right triangles and the areas of squares?

A right angle triangle with two side lengths that match that of an equivalent square will have exactly half the area of the square.

The formula c2 equals a2 plus b2 tells the relationship between the lengths of the sides in a right triangle what is it known as?

The Theorem of Pythagoras.